FAS Met with European Diplomats
OREANDA-NEWS. On October 22, 2008 in the Embassy of France in Russia the regular monthly meeting of the European Commission representatives and the economic counselors of the Embassies of the European Union countries took place, reported the press-centre of FAS Russia.
The Deputy Head of Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation (FAS Russia) Mr. Andrey Tsyganov made a report on the FAS Russia activities.
Mr. Tsyganov in his presentation covered the issues of the control over observance of the antimonopoly legislation, legislation on advertising and public procurements as well as on investments in strategic industries. Besides, Mr. Tsyganov enlightened the law-enforcement practice of the FAS Russia, in particular in the filed of application of the Federal Law №135-FZ "On Protection of Competition" and the Federal Law №57-FZ "Procedures for Foreign Investments in the Business Entities of Strategic Importance for Russian National Defense and State Security".
Furthermore, Mr. Tsyganov informed the audience on the forthcoming changes of the Russian legislation, the "second antimonopoly set" and leniency program for legal and private persons. Participants of the meeting admired the FAS Russia' activity in the sphere of competition advocacy, including creation and functioning of non-commercial partnership on protection of competition as well as fruitful activity of different Public Advisory Councils with participation of civil organizations and Russian and foreign business entities.
The Representatives of the Embassies of the European Union countries were especially interested in the application of the Federal Law № 57-FZ "Procedures for Foreign Investments in the Business Entities of Strategic Importance for Russian National Defense and State Security". Efficient activity of the Governmental Commission for control over foreign investment under the guidance of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Mr. Vladimir Putin was particularly recognized.
The FAS Russia is confident that fruitful cooperation with the European Commission and bilateral cooperation with competition authorities of the countries of the European Union will be dynamically developed.