VVS-Ltd Became Laureate of ‘Ukrainian National Olympus’ Award
OREANDA-NEWS On 23 October was announced, that the solemn ceremony of rewarding of laureates of all Ukrainian professional bonuses of Business Olympus Awards took place in the Ukrainian house:
"VVS-Ltd" became the laureate of this greatest reward in a nomination "The best distributor of Ukrainian pharmaceutical market" for dynamic development, introduction of modern technologies of business and providing of the greatest level of service for clients.
Characters of professional confession - bronze statuettes, gold marks and honored diplomas - got companies which are the best from the best, by the real leaders.
Among the guests of ceremony there were the known businessmen, journalists, representatives of diplomatic circles and public institutions.
A bonus is awarded state, public and political figures, leaders of enterprises and organizations of all patterns of ownership, which did the ponderable personal payment in economic, social and spiritual development of Ukrainian society. Applicants on the All Ukrainian public bonus "National Olympus" must show the high results of activity, irreproachable business reputation, positive dynamics of development, have stable financial-economics indexes, the greatest quality of service of customers. In addition, the estimation of both company on the whole and its service image is taken into account on the basis of publications in mass Medias, reviews of clients and partners.
Therefore fact of awarding a bonus " National Olympus" is an indicator not only to reliability and stability of company "VVS-Ltd", but also confirmation of its irreproachable reputation, professionalism of specialists of company and accordance the high standards of conduct of business at the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine.