UFC-Capital Announced Ukrainian Market Daily Review (16 October 2008)
OREANDA-NEWS On 17 October was announced, that as it was expected, the Ukrainian stock market growth did not last long, and on Wednesday the PFTS index closed with almost 5% decline and reached 282 points. It should be said that the trade volumes were very low, which implies lack of significant number of sellers (meanwhile, there are practically no buyers at all). The broad UFC index lost 2%, while among sectoral indicators, the worst dynamics was demonstrated by UFC Utilities, which sank 2.2%. In steelmaking sector, the decline amounted to 1.1% and in machine engineering – 0.2%.
The blue chips of the Ukrainian market are losing their value and sometimes they break through their two-year low levels. DNEN is steadily traded below UAH 650 mark and its new support shall be expected nearby UAH 350. ENMZ lost a great deal yesterday, and its next support may consolidate at the level of UAH 25.
Detailed information are available here.