IDGC of Centre Representative Participated in SAP Forum
OREANDA-NEWS On 16 October was announced, that Deputy General Director in charge of IT and Management Technologies of IDGC of Centre, JSC Pavel Obukhov participated in a SAP forum that took place in Crocus-Expo Exhibition Complex, Moscow.
At the meeting Innovative technologies for IT heads Pavel Obukhov presented a report Construction of a uniform corporate system of normative-reference information on the basis of SAP solutions ? SAP Enterprise Portal and SAP MDM. Pavel Obukhov also shared with his colleagues the experience of introduction in IDGC of Centre of SAP as a whole in and, particularly, of MDM module.
As for the power complex peculiarities, there is a number of problems connected with the development and updating of the normative-reference information (NRI). MDM is a complex solution for NRI, and, according to Obukhov, it conforms to the information structure of IDGC of Centre, and now its development is almost completed. Based on SAP NetWeaver platform, MDM will occupy one of key places and will raise NRI to a new level in the field of nomenclature material directory of business partners directory; however, it will start operating in full not earlier than in the second half-year, 2009.
"Today a quarter of IDGC of Centre personnel is working in EPR management system, and that has a positive influence over business development. Almost each month the company introduces new complex solutions for the system. MDM module is the main data management within the system. And the main aim of my presentation is to show that one of such complex solutions is functioning efficiently in practice," said Pavel Obukhov.