12,000 Tonnes of Wheat Is Put into Romanovskoe Grain Enterprise
OREANDA-NEWS On 13 October was announced, that 11, 900 tonnes of wheat had been put into storage at Romanovskoe grain processing enterprise, integrated in the structure of PAVA, a major Russian grain processor. Prolonged rainfall, that interrupted harvesting of cereal crops, created certain difficulties for the enterprise: it had to receive grain with a moisture level higher than regular. In some consignments it reached 27%. At present, wheat with less moisture is coming in – from 14 to 16,8%. However, drying aggregates are working 24 hours a day, the product received for storage is underworked, and brought to the required standard of dockage and moisture content.
Grain receiving continues till late hours. During mass harvesting of wheat, these operations lasted up to 2 a.m., and now the enterprise is still carrying them out according to the extended schedule. Romanovskoe grain processing enterprise was supported by PAVA in the thorough preparation for working with new-crop grain. Large, rapidly developing company invests significant funds in repairs and maintenance of the existing equipment, and also purchases new units which allow to receive grain and store it without losses of time or quality.
Currently PAVA ranks as the largest grain processor in the Asian part of Russia. Moreover, Ministry of Economic Development and Trade declared the company Best Exporter of the Industry when PAVA shipped 17% of the total volume of exported flour to the countries of far and near abroad.