Allac Ltd. Completed Harvesting of Grain Crops
OREANDA-NEWS On 13 October was announced, that Allac Ltd. (PAVA’s arable unit situated in the Kamensky district of the Altay Territory) harvested buckwheat from the last areas planted with this crop. Harvesting of wheat was completed here a week ago. This campaign in the district, as well as throughout the whole of the Altay Territory, was hindered by untimely autumn rains. In this agricultural year, the weather conditions were unfavourable during most part of it – in spring, in summer and autumn. Nevertheless, preliminary operating results of the enterprise can be described as quite successful. Despite adverse weather, the wheat grown here is a quality product: yield of the variety “Altayskaya 530” on fallow lands reached 32 hundredweight per ha. Next year, this enterprise will sow about 2,000 ha with own primary seeds of this wheat.
It should be noted, that the use of high-quality stock seeds became a regular practice for the arable unit. This year, elite winter rye has already been sown on 2,000 ha.
Purchase of elite seeds, quality fertilizers and reliable herbicides is supported by the parent company PAVA – the largest grain processor in the Asian part of Russia. Moreover, this company has invested significant funds in renovation of machinery and aggregates, working on the fields of the subsidiary. Vast financial resources will be allocated for the same purposes next year as well: thorough cultivation of fallow lands (that mostly constitute the gain of planted area at Allac Ltd.) requires using powerful and highly-efficient modern machinery.