Kyivenerho Announced Two Tenders for Attraction of Money
OREANDA-NEWS On 03 October Kyivenerho energy distribution company (KIEN), which delivers heat and electricity in Kyiv, announced two tenders for selection of financial institutions to attract loans worth USD 20 million and UAH 178 million.
Kyivenerho said this in the report.
The first tender is announced for attraction of UAH 78 million.
The second consists of two lots.
In particular, the first lot envisages attraction of UAH 100 million and the second attraction of USD 20 million. It is expected to attract the funds during a year.
Opening of the bids is scheduled for 11:00 am, October 14.
The bid security is not required.
As Ukrainian News earlier reported, Kyivenerho had announced two tenders for selection of financial institutions to attract two loans worth USD 30 million and UAH 150 million.
Each of the announced tenders has two lots.
In particular, the first lot of the first tender envisages attraction of UAH 100 million and the second lot USD 20 million.
These funds are to be attracted for the period of two years.
At the same time, lots of the second tender envisages attraction of UAH 50 million and USD 10 million respectively.
These funds are attracted for a year.
The tender bids will be opened at 11:00 am, October 7.
50%+1 share in Kyivenerho belongs to the state and is in the statutory fund of the Energy Company of Ukraine; 12.73% is owned by the Kyiv city council, 12.73% - to the Trelodia Investments Ltd. (Cyprus).