Average Salary in Moldova Increased by 26% in January-August 2008
OREANDA-NEWS. October 02, 2008. According to the National bureau of statistics, at the same time real salary has grown by 10%.
The average salary in the budgetary sector has made 1 906,8 leis and in the real sector – 2 740,3 leis, respectively.
The highest salaries were registered in financial sector and at the enterprises engaged in electro, gas-water supply – 5 447,7 leis and 4 275,3 leis, accordingly. The average salary of employees at the enterprises of mining industry has made 3 576 leis, transport and communication – 3 545,3 leis, construction-3 432,4 leis, transactions with the real estate – 3 133,3 leis.
The lowest salaries were registered in agriculture, winemaking, forestry – 1 275,6 leis and fishery – 1 254,4 leis. In August, 2008, the average size of salaries has made 2 611,8 leis or 23 % more than in August, 2007.
The average salary in the budgetary sector has made 1 811 leis and in the real sector – 2 982 leis, respectively.