OGK-1 Sales Revenue Reached RUR 4.9 bln in August 2008
OREANDA-NEWS On 30 September was announced, that according to the preliminary data in August 2008 OGK-1 revenue from the electricity and capacity sales amounted to 4, 871 mln rubles, the Company spent 1, 011.4 mln rubles on electricity and capacity purchases.
The output under regulated contracts amounted to 3 231 mln kWh. The Company sold 1, 775 mln kWh on the spot market and 87.2 mln kWh* on the balancing market. In order to fulfill the obligations towards consumers the Company purchased 1, 024 mln kWh on the spot market and 141 mln kWh* on the balancing market.
Electricity sales volume on the spot market has increased by 11.8% as compared to August 2007. The change is explained by the increase of the liberalized capacity volume.
Sales at regulated prices and purchases on the spot market have decreased by 7.3% and 8.9% respectively. The dynamics can also be explained by the increase of the market liberalization: the volume of regulated contracts has decreased and it resulted in less volume of electricity purchased to fulfill the obligations under regulated contracts.
In August OGK-1 sold 57% of the liberalized capacity (25%) at unregulated prices.
In August 2008 OGK-1 TPPs have produced 4, 125 mln kWh (in August 2007 OGK-1 electricity production amounted to 4, 152 mln kWh). Productive electricity output has amounted to 3, 923.4 mln kWh (in August 2007 productive electricity amounted to 3, 962.4 mln kWh). The sales volume on the spot market has amounted to 1, 775.5 mln kWh. (in August 2007 – 1 588 mln kWh).