Оranta Started New Project for Introduction of ITSM
OREANDA-NEWS On 29 September was announced, that NASK "Оranta" started a project for organizational management of Service Desk and introduction of incident management on the basis of IBM Service Request Manager developed by the INCOM Company.
The main goal of the project is to ensure an effective IT-support to the major classic insurance company of Ukraine for its dynamic developing business. "Introduction of ITSM principals allows the Company's IТ-service to become an active business partner, a business-oriented information services provider, — said Mr. Savushkin Eduard, Director of IT-Consuting Department of the INCOM Company.
The project provides for creation of a new base unit — Service Desk, formalisation of work for IT-service within the framework of incident management process and introduction of IBM Service Request Manager for support of this process. This project is aimed at improvement of support for its users due to organisation of more effective work of IT-personal.
The results of the project will make IT work more transparent and settlement of incidents faster. At the same time, this project allows to lay a reliable foundation for further of ITSM in the Company and reduce the risks related to introduction of new program systems such as INSIS and ERP systems.
The INCOM Company considers that groundwork of its success consists in a great experience of work in similar projects, usage of advanced approaches of ITIL library and recent software from one of the World's Leading Vendors. This project is unique because there are no IBM Service Request Manager Systems introduced into the Ukrainian market.
According to Mr. Aleksandr Belavin, Deputy Chairman of the NASK "Oranta" Board "Under conditions of high concurrency in insurance business, an effective management of IT-services becomes necessary for realisation of our ambitious plans. Initiation of this project is the first step in development of IT management process in order to ensure an adequate information and technological support of business in whole".