Netris and SecureMedia Developed IPTV Solution for Kazakhtelecom
OREANDA-NEWS. On September 25, 2008 A leading operator of Kazakhstan JSC "Kazakhtelecom" reported that the networks JSC "Kazakhtelecom" completed installation of IPTV (interactive television to Internet Protocol), developed by "Netris", the leader in software development and systems integration in the field of IP-communications, and by the company SecureMedia - a leader in the development of software for protecting video and the multimedia content in IP-networks, reported the press-centre of Kazakhtelecom.
The integrated solution, developed and implemented by professionals in the field of interactive television and content security, allowing joint-stock company "Kazakhtelecom" before the end of this year to provide a unique television services to its subscribers in Astana, as well as to deploy such systems in other cities.
JSC "Kazakhtelecom" serves almost 3.2 million subscribers of fixed telephony. Today, JSC "Kazakhtelecom" is the first in the CIS telecommunications operator, the transition to NGN network-distance communications throughout the country. Unlike traditional network-distance connection is working on NGN technology IP. This decision will expand the network to produce the most efficient and economical way and at its base to develop multi-network in all regions of Kazakhstan.
The project for the installation of interactive television for JSC "Kazakhtelecom" the company "Netris" held a series of works exploring the possibilities of transport networks operator, design and development hubs, as well as the integration of the components of solutions IPTV. The main role in integrating the components performs middleware - a platform, which manages the services of digital TV.
In this decision as a platform uses its own product "Netris" - IPSoft iVision IPTV Middleware, and the protection of content implements one of the finest conditional access systems represented on the world market, Encryptonite ONE from SecureMedia company.
IPSoft iVision IPTV Middleware-carrier-class software platform designed to manage interactive multimedia and communication services to fixed and mobile networks. This efficient, reliable and flexible platform is based on open standards and can be easily integrated with components of third-party manufacturers, including systems with OSS / BSS (billing) and subscriber devices.
The system is designed as a key component of IPTV solutions and among its functional tasks include the integration of all components of the system and user interface to access such services as viewing satellite channels, "video on demand", "virtual VCR", "deferred view", Internet broadcasting, and many others.
"We are very pleased that our partner in this important project for us was the company SecureMedia, - said the "Netris "company president Timur Iseyev. - Conditional access system Encryptonite ONE endorsed by many Hollywood producers and broadcasters of content, which guarantees the operator, has chosen her the opportunity to choose the best content for its subscribers. We look forward to a long collaboration with SecureMedia in Kazakhstan, where in the next few years will be deployed a few systems to provide innovative services in the areas of communications and home entertainment".
This year the system Encryptonite ONE ™ System received a prize of the International Forum IPTV World Series as the best solution to protect content. Today, this flexible software solution for the CA / DRM provides the highest level of protection for digital content, combined with the efficiency and advantages in choosing content.
Adopted by a majority of film producers and broadcasters, the decision Encryptonite ONE allows operators to acquire rights to the most attractive channels, transfer and movies. Indisputable advantage of the system can be described as ultra-light and saving a client that is installed on a custom device. It enables the secure distribution of content as an existing or new stations, PCs, portable players and mobile phones.
Encryptonite ONE System is the only solution for today, in addition to providing encryption standard (EverLock ™) broadcasting and "video on demand" effectively protect content during distribution and storage DVR and nDVR-services. Recent innovations additional modules for the Encryptonite ONE can trace, identify and block the spread of pirated content (IdentiFind ™), to accelerate integration with middleware, to reduce the time in the market for new services (CodeConnect ™) and change the configuration of security settings for content varying quality (TrustAdjust ™).
"This may be the JSC" Kazakhteleom "a great honor for SecureMedia, - said the general director of SecureMedia Fred Ellis (Fred Ellis). - Providing services to digital television is logical to JSC "Kazakhtelecom" which, like other operators interested in expanding the range of services. Working with SecureMedia, operators are able to deploy one of the finest conditional access systems, while being in full confidence that they are guaranteed to receive premium content class needed to attract new customers and retain existing".
About SecureMedia
SecureMedia - the leader among companies software developers, built on open standards and designed to protect the media, VoD, IPTV, music and other digital content to IP-networks. The winner of the prestigious award IPTV World Series Award 2008 for creating a better system to protect content, the company SecureMedia was the first to collaborate with Hollywood studios and broadcasters.
The company sells technology Entertainment Everywhere!, providing comprehensive protection for content as a means of integrated solutions Encryptonite ONE ™ System CA / DRM, and separate sets of software and hardware tools and modules.
Founded 1996, the company SecureMedia (Cavalier Telephone and TV) is headquartered in Boston, offices are in San Francisco, London, Amsterdam, Dubai, Beijing, Auckland, as well as representatives in Moscow, Stockholm, Bucharest, Paris, Ride, Pretoria Tokyo, Hong Kong, Seoul, Taipei and Melbourne.
About "Netris"
The company "Netris" ( ) is a leader in software development and systems integration for telecom operators and the banking business. Products and solutions of the company went under the trademark IPSoft, known in Russia for more than a decade.
The main customers are the company's telecommunication companies and banking structures, seeking to improve its effectiveness through the use of advanced technologies. Among our customers: JSC "Comstar-Direct", holding "Metalloinvest", OJSC "Central Telegraph", OOO "Comstar-Ukraine", JSC “Kazakhtelecom”, OJSC "Ukrtelecom", CJSC "Rosmedia" and several other operators in Russia and CIS countries, as well as major Russian banks.