ROSSIYA Offers Hotel Search and Reservation Service
OREANDA-NEWS On 26 September was announced, that the service enables ROSSIYA customers to book hotel rooms at any location in the world. Passengers can benefit from all the discounts and special offers in the database — the on-line hotel reservation service of the NOTA BENE company, which has integrated this module into the ROSSIYA site. The database currently comprises over 130,000 hotels.
As ROSSIYA Commercial Director Igor Morachev remarked, it is very important for the airline to provide passengers with the most convenient and advanced services, including the possibility of purchasing electronic tickets, checking in for flights online, and choosing and booking hotels directly on the airline’s website. And this new electronic service will save customers not only time, but also money. “We are attracting the most reliable partners to achieve these aims”, said Igor Morachev, “so that passengers are provided with the best services at advantageous conditions”.