Any Foreign Company May File Application for Financing to RCNT
OREANDA-NEWS On 24 September was announced, that any foreign company may file an application for financing to The Russian Corporation of Nanotechnologies (RCNT). RCNT’s director general Leonid Melamed made such a statement during the talks with federal National Nanotechnology Coordination Office (NNCO).
“The focus of our work in the direction of foreign cooperation is the same as in our ordinary work – financing of the joint projects. Hereby any foreign applicant, any foreign company can file an application and receive financing under the same conditions as Russian companies” – said Mr. Melamed.
RCNT doesn’t differentiate companies due to their origin. The only restriction is that at least part of the production facilities must be situated in Russia.
“We already have applications for financing such joint projects. We render full administrative support for such projects, especially in overcoming of the bureaucracy barriers” – said Mr. Melamed.
The possibility of creating scientific centers outside of Russia is also discussed. “If creation of a laboratory would allow to solve our tasks more effectively in a foreseeable future, not in the next century, we may go for such a step. At least, there are no prohibitions for us in doing so” – said Mr. Melamed.
RCNT has already started cooperation with foreign companies. Besides that, very soon the corporate internet-portal will have the English interface for accepting applications for financing from foreign entities.
According to the head of NNCO Clayton Teague, he was very glad to have an honest and open exchange of opinions. “As for specific actions, the information about business strategy shared by RCNT with us, was very useful. I think that continuing contacts between RCNT and USA through our office is a good start” – said Mt. Teague.
After the talks which passed in a warm atmosphere of a round table in the embassy of Russia in Washington, the RCNT delegation visited the Nanofab complex of NIST’s Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology at Gaithersburg, MD. After the visit, RCNT representatives held a company presentation which was visited by about a hundred of American experts and businessmen.