Dushanbe Will Host Exhibition ‘DIHE 2008’
OREANDA-NEWS On 24 September was announced, that 4th international Tajik exposition on healthcare ‘DIHE 2008’ will take place in Dushanbe on October 07 — 09, 2008.
Venue of exhibition: Dushanbe , Tajikistan
Annually DIHE gives to professionals of branch new opportunities for cooperation. Participants of an exhibition can receive a market information, estimate tendencies of change of a supply and demand in region, show the goods and services, to find potential orchestras for an establishment of business ties, to adjust distribution network in republic. One more of attractive factors is a unique opportunity to participants to enter the perspective market of Afghanistan.
Interest to an exhibition which is shown by the leading companies of the world, speaks attention of the Government of Republic Tajikistan to questions of reforming of system of public health services of the country. So the Government of Republic, had been approved the list of medicines, the medical and pharmaceutical equipment, medical tools which import is released from payment of the tax to the added cost and the customs duties.
DIHE Exhibition is a place of a meeting of heads of Ministry of Health RT, head physicians of clinics and hospitals state and a private sector, experts of medical branch, and also the wide public for which questions of development of public health services are important.
Subject of exhibition: Health and Beauty
DIHE 2008
the Medical equipment, technics
the Labware / technologies
the Diagnostic equipment
Medical products
Medical tools
Orthopedy and Rehabilitation
Stomatologic materials and services
Optics and Ophthalmology
Products of medical purpose
Hospitals, drugstores, the medical centers
Public health services of mother and the child
Homeopathy, Food additives
Raw material and components for pharmaceutical manufacture
the Equipment and equipment of medical institutions
First aid and rescue
Production "Health and Beauty"
Medical clothes
Packing for medicines
Modern information technologies in public health services.