Road Carpet Repaired within Central Moscow
OREANDA-NEWS On 19 September was announced, that the city authorities of Moscow completed the plan aimed at overhauling the roads within central Moscow.
714,600sq m of road carpet was planned to be repaired on 47 sections within the Central Administrative District of Moscow in 2008. Due to the program approved by the Moscow City Government, approximately USD 26,500 was allocated for this purpose. By September 1, 2008 the real volume of the completed work was 100 per cent.
Particularly, the road carpet was repaired on the streets: Sosinskaya, Novosushchyovskaya, Bakhrushina, Dobroslobodskaya, Povarskaya, Prechistinka, Baumanskaya, Petrovka and Kozhevnicheskaya, on the side streets: Mayakovskogo and Shchipkovsky, on Krestiyanskaya Zastava Square as well as on Komsomolsky Avenue.
In total, 7.4 million sq m of road carpet was planned to be repaired all over Moscow in 2008, 5.6 million sq m of roads are currently undergoing an overhaul.