Companies of Russia and Ukraine Shared Their Experience
OREANDA-NEWS On 18 September was announced, that on the initiative and with the support of the international holding CENTRAVIS from 8 to 11 September in Nikopol a seminar-meeting of chairmen of trade union committees at the tube companies of Ukraine and Russia was held.
The seminar was attended by 10 chairmen of trade union committees from Russia and 19 trade union representatives from Ukrainian enterprises.
The goal of the meeting was to exchange experience and knowledge in matters of collective agreements and outsourcing. Besides, the difficulties faced by trade unions at work, improvement of social protection instruments, as well as establishing of a system of exchange of experiences between trade unions of different businesses were discussed at the plenary meetings.
The programme of events was replete with meetings and travel. The chairmen of trade union committees familiarized with the working conditions during mill tours, and met with the leaders of the company “Ukrtruboprom” and the regional state administration of the city of Dnipropetrovsk.
Nikolay Siziy, Chairman of trade union committee at CJSC “CENTRAVIS PRODUCTION UKRAINE”:“The union, like any organization, is unable to work and grow in an information vacuum. The meeting showed how much progress have our colleagues from Russia made comparing to us. Apart from the fact that we have a lot to learn from them, we also have to realize much together. Ideas that will soon become joint projects were generated at the meeting. Our goal is to combine the best of all worlds, including in the organization of trade union work”.