VVS-LTD Received Highest Reward - Ukrainian National Olympus
OREANDA-NEWS On 18 September was announced, that "VVS-LTD" company was granted the highest reward - prize "Ukrainian National Olympus", it was nominated as "Leading distributor of pharmaceutical market in Ukraine" for dynamic development, introduction of modern business technologies and providing of top level attending to customers.
"Ukrainian National Olympus" prize was founded at the beginning of 2005 year. The prize winners are public figures and politicians, heads of enterprises and organizations of all patterns of ownership, who contributed considerably in economic, social and intellectual development of Ukrainian society.
The candidates for All-Ukrainian social prize "Ukrainian National Olympus" have to show high performance, unblemished business reputation, positive dynamics of development, have stable financial and economic activities, top level of customer support. Besides, estimation of reputation of the company on the whole and its service on the basis of publications in mass media, comments of customers and partners are taken into account.
Therefore the fact of granting of "Ukrainian National Olympus" is an indicator of not only reliability and stability of "VVS-LTD" company, but another confirmation of its unblemished reputation, professionalism of the specialists of the company and compliance with high standards of conduct of business at the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine.
Today an item about "VVS-LTD" company, regarding nomination of the company with "Ukrainian National Olympus" has been broadcast on the First National Channel within the framework of ERA of Quality program.