Board of IDGC of North-West Recommends to Approve Investment Projects
OREANDA-NEWS. September 12, 2008. The members of the Board of IDGC of North-West discussed the issue on the realization of the investment program of the company and attraction of borrowed funds in the amount of 502,788 RUR for reconstruction of substations of 35-110 kV and new construction of power facilities.
Among the projects that will be implemented in the branches of IDGC of North-West with the attraction of borrowed funds of 8 power facilities in the republics of Komi, Karelia, and in the regions of Pskov, Vologda, Murmansk, and Novgorod.
Sources of credits repayments according to the investment projects are specified and taken into consideration in the investment programs of 2009 of branches of the Company, coordinated by regional regulating authorities.
According to Vladimir Bloshitsyn - deputy director general of IDGC of North-West on capital construction the “attraction of borrowed funds for realization of the given investment projects will allow to put into operation as soon as possible 116.6 km of power transmission lines and 157 MVA of transformer capacity.
Reconstruction and new construction of objects will lead to increase of reliability of the electricity supply of consumers. It will also help to exclude the possibility of damage of the equipment working with overloads. In its turn, the implementation of reconstruction of power facilities will allow preventing power losses in grids and eliminating the lack of electric energy supply and will increase the volume of realization of the electric power.