IMG Launched Investor Relation Service
OREANDA-NEWS On 10 September was announced, that Mr. Oleg Spilka, President of the IMG Holding Company, informed that the IMG International Holding Company launched the Investor Relation (IR) Service, functions of which consists in submission of a transparent and reliable information about the holding and all the companies of the holding to investors, as well as update of this information by all available means of communication.
In particular, the NASK "Oranta" created the special IR-Sector on its website, in which all the information necessary for minority and majority the NASK "Oranta" shareholders shall be published. "Besides, one of these days the IR-Service division plans to launch a new program of global depositary receipts, in which Deutsche Bank will be a depositary. In future we plan to include in scope of work receipt of real quotation in one of European leading bourses" — said Mr. Spilka.