210 mln Roubles to Be Invested in Inner Ring of Moscow Railways
OREANDA-NEWS. September 09, 2008. In 2008, Russian Railways will be investing 210 million roubles in passenger traffic between Presnya - Kanatchikovo on the Inner Ring of Moscow Railways, reported the press-centre of Russian Railways.
The money is being spent on design and survey work in order to better define the fundamental design decisions and investment requirements.
In October 2007, Russian Railways and the Moscow City administration signed an agreement on the joint implementation of a pilot project for passenger traffic between Presnya and Kanatchikovo stations.
The project includes the electrification of the line and construction of five further passenger stations: City, Kutuzova, Potylikha, Luzhniki and Gagarin Square, as well as the reconstruction of the freight stations Kanatchikovo and Presnya.
After the design and survey work, a development plan will be drafted and the cost of its implementation determined.