RODOVID BANK Is the One of Leaders of Co-brand Projects
OREANDA-NEWS. September 8, 2008. About 10 banks are issue co-brand plastic cards in Ukraine. More banks have only one co-brand project. The banks are issue about 20 thousand co-brand plastic cards during the year. RODOVID BANK is the leader among bank-issuers of co-brand plastic cards.
"We promote our credit cards through the co-brand projects. We offer to our partners to develop cards that give many adventures, one of which - is the discount. As of last year, RODOVID BANK has increased the amount of credit resources portfolio. The banks develop their co-brand projects jointly with retail point of sales. Sometimes with airlines, mobile operators", - Viktoirya Vasilieva, the vice-president of OJSC "RODOVID BANK, said.
"RODOVID BANK" is the leader of bank’s co-brand projects (8 projects). The key features of co-brand programs are the possibility to get the credit line, grace period and the sum of credit limit. The client can get in RODOVID BANK such co-brand cards as: "Kozyrna Kartka – RODOVID BANK", "Amstor – RODOVID BANK", "RODOVID BANK – NOVA-LINIYA", "Skoda friend club", "Olympic program".