IDGC of Centre Increased Production Supply by 3.9 %
OREANDA-NEWS On 04 September was announced, that according to the results of the first half of the year 2008, production supply of the electric power in IDGC of Centre, JSC equalled 29,110.3m KWh and the growth, compared to the last year, was 3.9 %.
In total the electric power supply in the network equalled 32,131.1m KWh, that is by 1,152.1m KWh more than in a similar period of 2007. The general losses did not exceed 3,020.8m kWh, or 9.40 % of the general supply in the network, that is by 0.16 % lower than in the first half-year, 2007.
Optimisation of electric power losses in IDGC of Centre, JSC is the top direction of transportation cost management. According to the optimisation, the company performs a number of activities directed at reduction of losses.
In 2008 the effect of their implementation in IDGC of Centre, JSC was 91.4m kWh, including at the expense of organisational actions, 24.5m kWh; technical actions, 7.4m kWh and actions directed at development of commercial and technical accounting, 59.5m kWh.
The following events influenced the main influence on the decrease in losses at electric networks: decrease at the expense of electric power for own needs of substations, replacement of smaller wires by wires with a wider section at overloaded power transmission lines, replacement of overloaded transformers and existing feeders at self-bearing isolation wires. Besides, the company also organised events on development of accounting and technical electric energy metering systems, performed raids and detected facts of unaccounted power consumption or power consumption not supported by any documents and installed portable metering devices.