Natural Gas Sold to Achema Breaks European Records
OREANDA-NEWS On 04 September was announced, that during the second half-year of 2008, income of the nitric fertilisers and chemicals producer Achema AB that is the main company of the concern Achema Group amounted to LTL 1022,8 million, i.e. 347,8 more compared to the first half-year of 2007, when the income amounted to LTL 675 million due to increased product cost in international market.
Volumes of production manufactured by Achema have increased during the first half-year of 2008, and main activity expenditure increased as well, which were mostly influenced by the increase of natural gas and raw material cost.
“The cost of our main raw material – natural gas – has increased by 83,4 per cent during the second quarter of this year in comparison to the same period of 2007, explained Achema AB General director Jonas Sirvydis, - but in June the company’s buyable cost for gas is considered to be a peculiar record – it was the highest in Europe”.
Given such expensive cost for gas, the long-term investment strategy of the company justifies itself, which is oriented to the increase of production efficiency. Till 2009 about 0,5 milliard LTL will be allotted for modernization of plant, technologies, which reduce the consumption of expensive raw material, save energy resources and reduce emissions.
As Jonas Sirvydis emphasizes “We are attempting to find internal resources of our activity, take advantage of productive capacity by maximum, supervise range of manufactured production, and evaluate the present and planned investments more strictly.”
The number of employees has increased by 4 per cent during the second half-year of 2008 in comparison to the second half-year of 2007, and the average payment increased by 16 per cent.
All employees of Achema AB gain personal supplement for seniority since January 1st, 2008.
This year employees’ work safety and health management system OHSAS has begun its operation in Achema.