Transcreditbank Group Produced Its 1H 2008 IFRS Statements
OREANDA-NEWS On 04 September was announced, that consolidated IFRS statements reviewed by Ernst and Young Vneshaudit point to rapid growth of the Group’s key financial indicators.
By the end of the first half year 2008:
- consolidated assets of TransCreditBank Group increased to RUR170,8 bln (USD7,3 bln) from RUR 142,0 bln as of 1 January 2008, or 1,2 times;
- net profit amounted to RUB1,3 bln (USD55,5 bln) registering a 18 per cent y-o-y increase (RUB 1,1 bln as of July 01, 2007);
- the amount of loans issued to the Group’s customers increased 1,3 times totaling RUB122,6 bln (USD 5,2 bln) as of July 01, 2008;
- the total amounts due to customers increased to RUB91,7 bln (USD3,9 bln) registering a 29% increase (RUB71,0 bln) as of January 01, 2008.
By the end of the first half of 2008 the total equity of the Group amounted to RUB 9,4 bln, ROE (return on equity) was 28,6%. According to the auditor’s report the financial statements did not reflect the significant increase of RUR4,8 bln of the share capital of the head bank of the Group, JSC “TransCreditBank”, by additional issue of shares, registered by the Bank of Russia on 15 July 2008.