OPIN Was Rated One of Largest Russian Companies
OREANDA-NEWS. On 26 August 2008 was announced, that “Kommersant-Money” magazine published the rating of the Top 300 Largest Russian Companies as at 30 June 2008. JSC “OPIN” was rated No. 38 by market capitalization criteria, having gained 10 ranks since the last year rating.
The Company was also rated No. 3 in the Most Highly Valued Share Issuers and No.6 in the Most Efficient Share Issuers ratings.
From the Top 300 Largest Russian Companies, the Most Highly Valued Share Issuers and the Most Efficient Share Issuers ratings published by “Kommersant-Money” magazine No. 33 [690] 25.08-31.08.2008 г.