BTA Announced Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting
OREANDA-NEWS. On 25 August 2008 was announced, that JSC "BTA Bank" located in: Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, 050051, Samal-2, Zholdasbekov str., 97, regarding to the Decision of Board of Directors № 8-3-1 dated 21.08.2008, declares the calling of Bank’s extraordinary shareholders meeting.
Extraordinary general shareholders meeting of JSC "BTA Bank" will be held on September 22, 2008 года at 10h. 30m., commencement of shareholders registration - at 10.00 at the following address: Almaty, Samal-2, Zholdasbekov str., 97, 2nd floor.
Shareholder’s list who have right to participate in JSC BTA Bank General shareholders meeting is made as at August 22, 2008.
Agenda of extraordinary general shareholders meeting of JSC "BTA Bank":
1. On changes in the structure of JSC "BTA Bank" Board of Directors.
In case of absence of quorum repeated general shareholders meeting will be held on September 23, 2008 at 10h. 30m. At the address: Almaty, Samal-2, Zholdasbekov str., 97, 2nd floor. Commencement of shareholders registration – 10.00 h.