Atomenergoproekt FSUE Reorganized into OJSC
OREANDA-NEWS. August 25, 2008. Atomenergoproekt Federal State Unitary Enterprise (Moscow) has been reorganized into an open joint stock company.
The information about the registration of Atomenergoproekt OJSC was included in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities on Aug 19 2008. The charter of Atomenergoproekt OJSC says that Atomenergoproekt OJSC is legal successor of Atomenergoproekt FSUE.
The only shareholder of the OJSC is the Russian Federation represented by Rosatom State Nuclear Energy Corporation. By the end of this year 100% of the shares of Atomenergoproekt OJSC will be given to Atomenergoprom OJSC, a state holding consolidating the civil sector of Russia’s nuclear industry.
Director General of Atomenergorpoekt OJSC Vladimir Generalov says that the new corporate form will help his company to more effectively implement its projects.