Uzbek Cotton Fair Will Be Held in Tashkent on 14 - 15 October
OREANDA-NEWS. August 20, 2008. During fair government organizations, representatives of textile enterprises, trade companies and dealers – the world leaders in cotton industry will enjoy with a unique opportunity to conduct a negotiations, participate in trading sessions on Uzbek Commodity Exchange and sign direct contracts on Uzbek cotton, as well as to get acquainted with development strategy of Uzbekistan cotton industry.
Practical outcomes of last year’s Cotton Fairs conducted under initiative of the President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov allow saying about new levels of development of cooperation of all countries and organizations, involving in production, processing and distribution of cotton. Taking into account high concernment of such events in Uzbekistan participants of first Cotton Fairs have expressed desire to make it traditional. Nowadays it is clear, that “International Uzbek Cotton Fair” has become not only a traditional event, but also gained international recognition and authority among foreign countries.
450 foreign participants from 33 countries took part in “III International Uzbek Cotton Fair”, conducted in 17-19 September, 2007 (Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Iran, China, Pakistan, Russia, Korea, Turkey, UAE and etc.).
Thus, as a result of negotiations, more than 50 contracts were signed for total amount of 600 thousand ton of cotton fiber. Through the Uzbek Commodity Exchange additional 50 thousand tons of cotton has been traded.
Organizers of “IV International Uzbek Cotton Fair” are the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan in cooperation with International Cotton Advisory Committee and Cotton Outlook.
Within the framework of forthcoming Cotton Fair on the territory of “Uzexpocentre”, Pavilion #1, exposition of investment and export opportunities of Uzbek textile and silk enterprises, more than 1000 types of Uzbek cotton, as well as information on methods of cotton storing and transportation will be exposed.
Additionally, Fair’s quests and participants will be given an opportunity to get acquainted with operational activity of 21 specialized Cotton Terminals including 5 Free Warehouses with total storage capacity of 400 thousand ton of cotton fiber.