Volga TGC Investment Program in Samara Officially Approved
OREANDA-NEWS. On 11 August 2008 was announced, that deputies of Samara City Duma on their scheduled plenary meeting have approved Volga TGC investment program of Samara heat supply till 2015.
Necessity of this document approval appeared long ago. In the conditions of lack of heat power reserves, low thermal grids transfer capacity and high wear of equipment it is getting more and more difficult for Volga TGC to provide necessary conditions for new objects connection to the company’s grids. Implementation of program, offered by Volga TGC will allow to upgrade heating and grid equipment significantly that will result in increase of heating quality and reliability in Samara and to guarantee heating power supply to new districts of the city.
Within the frames of investment program the company plans to implement 45 projects in Samara thermal grids and power plants before 2015. This will result in additional 479 Gcal/h of power that will allow to provide heat and hot water to about a thousand new buildings.
In total Volga TGC will allocate 3.5 billion rubles to Samara heating system development in 2008-2015. Half of this amount will be received from building owners as payment for connection to thermal grids. The rest will be financed by Volga TGC from own funds and credit resources. No investment charge will be added to the current tariff for heating.
In the nearest future Samara city administration will consider tariff for connection to thermal grids, offered by Volga TGC. In case of positive decision connection of 1 Gcal/h of thermal power will cost a real estate developer 4.1 million rubles. For reference, a single-section 10-stored building consumes from 0.25 to 0.5 Gcal/h. However, share of price of connection to thermal grids in the cost of 1 m2 of the accommodations will amount to 352.6 rubles per 1 m2, that is 0.6% of the average price of square meter of accommodations in Samara.
Samara became the first city among four regions of Volga TGC presence, where heating system will develop in compliance with the program, offered by the power company. It is anticipated that the similar documents will be soon considered by the deputies of Samara and Syzran.