Railway Transport Installs Fiber Optic Cable for Communication Service
OREANDA-NEWS. August 05, 2008. Surkhandarya region’s Railroad network continues the work on application of fibеr optic cable at its communication service. Now, residents of the region can purchase tickets to all trains, including domestic and international routes, at their local railway station, reported the Official website www.gov.uz.
The first meters of the cable were laid on a 16-kilometer section of Galaba-Termez railway by the construction train. Presently, initial excavation work is underway to lay optic cables on the railway Tashguzar-Baysun-Kumkurgan, which was put into operation last year.
“The updated service poses a number of conveniences for railroad staff and population,” said Agzamdjan Kurbanov, deputy chief of Termez communication distance of regional railroad hub Karshi-Termez. “Now, sales of tickets, shipments, payments and monitoring of train traffic are carried out centrally by the computer system.”
There are currently four stations in Surkhandarya region, where traffic management is carried out electronically. Besides, all freight stations will be computerized in the near future.