Astarta Started Harvesting of Early Grain Crops
OREANDA-NEWS. On 30 July 2008 was announced, that as scheduled, ASTARTA's agricultural companies have started harvesting of early grain crops. As for July 28th, 88 thousand tons of crops of the new production season are harvested.
Particularly, 30% of winter wheat (the average yield standing at about 5.3 tons per hectare); 98% of winter barley (the average yield standing at around 4.0 tons per hectare) are harvested. For some agricultural companies controlled by ASTARTA for more than 3 years, for example in Novosanzharsky region in Poltava oblast, the yield of wheat exceeds 6.6 tons per hectare and barley - 5.3 tons per hectare. The final results of harvesting campaign will be published in the mid-August.
The heavy rains and floods in some regions of the Western Ukraine have not influenced the lands operated by ASTARTA's agricultural companies. All ASTARTA's crops are in a good condition, and we still forecast a high yield. More over, due to the favorable weather conditions, optimal timing of spring sowing campaign, soil quality improvement activities, and implementation of the state-of-the-art agricultural technologies by ASTARTA, the yields of the grain crops and sugar-beet growing dynamics exceed forecasts and results of the previous years.