Rambler Updated Its Rambler’s Тop100
OREANDA-NEWS. On 29 July 2008 was announced, that Rambler introduced some changed in the rating’s system in order to combat churning. The updated rating will use the mean average indicator of unique IP addresses (hosts) registered for the home page in the course of the past 7 days. At the same time, the ability to rebuild the rating based on current day indicators or the average indicator for 7 or 30 days has been sustained. It is also possible to rebuild the rating for the home page or the entire website including its home page.
The new Top100 rating (http://top100.rambler.ru/top100/) also features indicators like number of unique IP addresses (hosts), number of visits (hits), number of visitors, etc.
Rambler’s Тop100 (http://top100.rambler.ru/top100/) is a unique project aimed to enable website owners that are not webmasters to quickly and accurately determine the number of visits to their web pages, as well as enable them to analyze various attendance statistics. Top100 service enables the market to get a comparative evaluation of website popularity, as well as lets advertisers evaluate the traffic of their potential partners for making advertisement placement decisions. Currently over 40 million switches from the rating to websites-members of Rambler’s Top100 (http://top100.rambler.ru/top100/) are performed per year.
For many years Rambler has been a stable leader in the RuNet Ratings and Catalogs segment. But Rambler does not intend to rest on its laurels. “We have ambitious plans to improve the services provided by Rambler’s Top 100. We plan to introduce significant changes and launch a number of functionalities demanded by the current marketplace” – says Sergey Sergeev, Head of Marketing at the Search and Navigation group.
Rambler has intensified its Top100improvement efforts. Since July 1, 2008 there have been several updates. For instance, Rambler’s Тop100 offers to place its counter on protected web pages. Owners of registered counter are able to gain access to HTTPS counter codes in order to install the counter on protected web pages in the section ‘For Website Owners’ by clicking the hyperlink ‘Counter Code.’ Alexander Kovalev, PR Director of Rambler Media, reports: “Top 100 updates represent a portion of changes we plan within our new development strategy aimed to improve Rambler’s multiple tools and services and offer the best products to our customers.”