Transneft Announced Finalists of Golden Reserve of Oil and Gas
OREANDA-NEWS. On 22 July 2008 was announced, that students of the Tyumen State Oil and Gas University, Anton Zakirzakov and Maxim Yumsunov qualified for the finals of the “Golden reserve of oil and gas 2008” competition. Zakirzakov was the finalist in the category “Design, building and operation of oil and gas piplines and tanks”, whereas Yumsunov excelled in the category “Economics, finances and management”.
The international competition of the top graduates in oil and gas as well as energy institutes of Russia and CIS countries, “Golden reserve of oil and gas 2008”, started in October of last year. It is supported by the leading companies of the oil and gas sector, including OJSC AK Transneft as well as the representatives of government entities.
Traditionally, Transneft has been providing significant financial, as well as material and technical help, to educational organizations that prepare the workforce for the industry. Around 1100 students study in these institutions through agreement with the company. Future professionals go through practical training at oil transport companies, take part in the competitions of the companies for the title “Best employee” and in scientific and technical conferences.
Winners of the international competition will be awarded the title “Top graduate of an oil and gas institute in Russia and the CIS 2008”. Representatives of business, government, culture and science, who contributed to the development of education in the oil and gas industry, will be awarded in the category “Contribution to education”.