Rebrikha Flour Mill Puts New Equipment into Operation
OREANDA-NEWS. On 21 July 2008 was announced, that thoroughgoing preparations for working with new crop are under way at Rebrikha flour mill. Perhaps, the most important novelty is the installation of an air-operated sampler. This is modern, high-technology equipment which allows to speed up grain-receiving and reduce the amount of down-time for transport vehicles. Besides, it improves the process of sampling.
This is proved by practical experience: last year’s autumn, a pneumatic grain sampler was installed at Achinsk flour mill (the Krasnoyarsk Territory), which is another enterprise in the PAVA Group. There, employees of the laboratory are sure that due to the new equipment, the accuracy of grain sampling became significantly higher. The air-operated sampler evens out the layer-by-layer taking of wheat samples out of the truck. Moreover, since the device is remote-acting, the promptness of grain-receiving is increased.
But this installation of the pneumatic sampler is not the only significant innovative step taken by Rebrikha flour mill in its preparation for the harvest campaign. Management of the enterprise envisages putting a 50-tonnes truck tipper into operation, which enables to receive heavy equipment of new generation.
Before harvesting begins, a new drier DSP-50 will be working at the enterprise and this will help to increase grain drying capacities by 1200 tonnes per day. The new drier is a recirculating type, which means that the received wet grain is mixed with part of already dried product and thus is brought to the necessary condition. At the same time, the higher the moisture level of wet grain is, the smaller amount is fed to the drier and the bigger amount of dry recirculating grain is added. Such a technology of drying allows to increase grain durability while storing, and improve its food qualities. Keeping the recommended regime of drying accelerates the after-ripening of grain; the grain mass is equalized according to the moisture level and maturity; colour, appearance and other properties of grain are improved. Also, drying destroys microorganisms and pests. But most importantly, it has a positive impact on the output and quality of the product when grain is processed into flour and cereals.
What also matters for the enterprise is that the new equipment will reduce the costs of energy and fuel. By the specialists’ estimate, the capital invested in the dryer must pay back in a year. The working dryers (which have already been repaired) will be put on standby at Rebrikha flour mill.
Putting the territory in order and road repairs are no less important than mounting new equipment and maintenance of the working facilities. By the time the new crop arrives, the access ways to the unloading facilities and around dryers at the flour mill will be asphalt-paved. This will have a most positive effect on the activities of the enterprise, as the loss of grain is diminished; partners of the mill will benefit as well, automobile traffic will be eased and queues eliminated, which is very important during harvest.
It should be emphasized that maximum attention to the partner – is the basic principle of the activity for all units of PAVA, the largest grain processor of Siberia and the Far East, which includes Rebrikha flour mill. Reliable reputation of a strong company enables to use a wide range of opportunities for providing prompt grain receiving and timely accounts of the goods purchased.