Federal Drug Control Service Awards “Rodnoy Altay” Movement
OREANDA-NEWS. On 21 July 2008 was announced, that the award ceremony where the Altay social movement “Rodnoy Altay” was granted a departmental medal “For cooperation with the Russian Federal Drug Control Service” took place on July, 12 of the current year.
The movement was awarded for helping the FDCS Department in the Altay Territory in promotion of healthy lifestyle among young people. “We’ve collaborated for quite a long time with the Altay FDCS within projects of preventing drug addiction among teenagers and youth. Lately, our interaction has been strengthened because we have worked out a whole number of events for young people”, says Andrey Igoshin, “Rodnoy Altay” Chairman.
To recap, “Rodnoy Altay” in association with the Altay FDCS Department and Barnaul Education Committee conducted a series of events promoting healthy lifestyle. All of them were organized for junior and middle school pupils who, as a rule, constitute the “high-risk group”. The competition of posters “Barnaul without drugs” received the biggest response from the children.