Rosenergoatom and Energoatom Discuss Final Construction
OREANDA-NEWS. July 18, 2008. Rosenergoatom Concern and Energoatom have discussed possibilities of jointly completing the construction of 3rd and 4th units of Khmelnisky NPP.
During a meeting in Kyiv on July 14–16 2008 Rosenergoatom Concern and Energoatom (Ukraine) discussed possibilities of jointly completing the construction of 3rd and 4th units of Khmelnisky Nuclear Power Plant.
Representatives of Rosenergoatom Concern, Atomstroyexport, Hydropress, Energoatom (Ukraine), Atomenergoproekt (Kyiv, Ukrtaine) and Khmelniksy NPP attended the meeting.
Rosenergoatom Concern, jointly with Atomstroyexport, is going to submit to the Ukrainian side a consolidated project for improvement of WWER-1000 (V-392B) reactor. This project has been developed for the 5th and 4th units of Balakovo NPP and was approved by Rostekhnadzor in Sept 2006.
The Ukrainian side is planning to conduct a relevant tender by the end of this. The key rivals of the Russian side will be AREVA (France), Westinghouse (the United States), K EPCO (South Korea).