OREANDA-NEWS. July 14, 2008. A well-known international business publication "Euromoney" once again made a special mention of high standards of AsiaUniversalBank’s services. The Bank was given "Awards for Excellence", reported the press-centre of AsiaUniversalBank.

On the first day of July a well-known British business publication "Euromoney" gave its annual reception on the occasion of "Awards for Excellence" presentation. Martin Born, the journal’s director for Central, East European and CIS countries, presented the honorable symbol, verifying the award, to Mikhail Nadel, the Chair of the Board of Directors of OJSC "AsiaUniversalBank".

"This award proves that we are on the right track", said Mikhail Nadel.
AUB has got this prestigious award for the third time; it was also given the title "Best Corporate Governance in Kyrgyzstan" several times.

"Euromoney" experts together with the leading European financiers determined the banks that had achieved the most considerable success at the world market. They evaluated such showing as management quality, focus on strategic tasks, profitability, innovations, successful development and clients’ opinions.

In their comments on awarding prizes in the nominations, "Euromoney" analysts noted that AsiaUniversalBank is a national leader in the sphere of banking products introduction and Internet –banking development; the Bank strives for adaptation of Kyrgyz market to international banking standards.

The given award one more time confirmed the Bank’s leadership, its dynamic growth and high effectiveness. We’d like to remind that in 2007 AUB started implementation of a new retail strategy. Within the framework of this strategy the Bank started working on its branch network development; some new consumer lending programs have been launched.

AUB started expanding its self-service payment terminal network "Master of payments". The number of the Bank’s clients constantly increases. Growth of the main financial showing- credits, total capital and profit- which doubled in 2007, demonstrates the efficiency of the Bank’s activities as well.