OREANDA-NEWS. On July 08, 2008 a visit of the delegation of the German state Bank KfW headed by Ottmar Greif, an adviser on Ukraine for German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) took place in Poltava, reported the press-centre of Megabank.

Within the visit’s bounds the delegation familiarized with the work of Poltava affiliate of "Megabank" and the founded on its base Integral Clearing Centre of Poltava-city. Also the delegation met with representatives of Poltava City Executive Committee and Poltava region State Administration.

During the meeting the parties discussed perspectives of cooperation on financing municipal enterprises aiming at introduction new energy saving technologies and further development of the municipal infrastructure.

As the First Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of "Megabank" Olexandr Laschenko informed:

"The German State Bank KfW in cooperation with the partner-bank "Megabank" offers interesting programmes for project financing connected with energy saving and development of infrastructure of Poltava region. This can be a reconstruction of housing economy, development of public transport and many other projects improving the quality of life and attractiveness of population aggregates. We hope that the today’s meeting is only the beginning of a further fruitful cooperation of "Megabank", German State Bank KfW with city and region authorities of Poltava region".

We remind that in May 2008 "Megabank" concluded the loan agreement for credit line in the amount of USD 10 million for 5 years with the German State Bank for Development KfW.

KfW Bankengruppe (KfW Banking Group) http://www.kfw.de/ represents financial instruments, directed to support small and medium sized enterprises (SME), environment protection, effective usage of energy and natural resources, and also export and project financing. KfW – is a state bank, owned by the Federal Government of Germany (80%) and German Federal Lands (20%), having a stable ground for activities and is one of the biggest banks of Germany (assets as on 01.01.2008 – EUR 376 billion).

Majority of its resources KfW attracts at the market of capital and has the highest rating ААА. KfW Entwicklungsbank is one of the world’s leaders of microfinancing, development of economical and social infrastructure of partnering countries and it fulfills its mission upon the order of the Government of the FRG.