Transsib Re Paid Ingosstrakh RUR 2.2 mln for Fires
OREANDA-NEWS. July 14, 2008. OJSC "Transsiberian Reinsurance Corporation" paid 2.204 million rubles of reinsurance compensation on the fact of the loss of goods in the warehouse of computer and office equipment. Payment was made within the limits of operating with OIJSC “Ingosstrakh” contract of obligatory reinsurance of property risks. Insurance company "INGO Ukraine" was the direct insurer. The risk was reinsured in Russia.
The insurance sum under the contract of trade mark insurance (computer and office equipment) exceeded 66 million dollars. Insurance event occurred on December 13, 2007. Early in the morning, before the working day a fire occurred in the central part of the warehouse. Experts have not come to a consensus about the causes of fire. Version of short-circuit and malfunction of gas equipment in heating system were presented. However, in the opinion of Survey Company, this incident should be recognized as the insurance case.
The total sum of the loss, taking into account deductibles and harmonization of market prices of burnt property was 38.5 million dollars. After completion of the investigation of insured event and receiving of a full package of documents under the loss "Transsib Re" decided to make a payment.