PAVA’s Flour Export Shipments Amount to Over 24, 000 Tonnes
OREANDA-NEWS. On 14 July 2008 was announced, that grain processor PAVA ( continues to develop the overseas line of its activities. To recap, in the second half-year of 2007 the company’s administration made a decision to promote collaboration with foreign flour markets. During 6 months’ work the largest grain processor of Siberia and the Far East made a real breakthrough in this direction – PAVA won the competition held by Russian Ministry of Economic Development and Trade and became Best Exporter of the industry in 2007.
In the current year the company is rapidly increasing the pace of developing overseas markets. Summarizing the results of the first half-year in 2008, PAVA shipped 24,182 tonnes of flour to the countries of near and far abroad. This figure is almost 3 times bigger than the last year’s indicator over the corresponding period.
Today the company has established relations with wholesalers and manufacturers from more than 11 countries of the world. Among them are Mongolia and Tadzhikistan, Afghanistan and Kirghizia, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan; also flour is shipped to Somalia, Ethiopia, North Korea, Bangladesh and other countries. The International Business Department at OJSC PAVA envisages signing contracts with representatives of other countries.
As a rule, overseas partners prefer first and second grade flour from PAVA. Partners from Uzbekistan are often sent high grade PAVA flour; others give preference to the extra grade.
OJSC PAVA has a number of characteristics making the company attractive for collaboration with the countries of near and far abroad. The undisputed advantage of the enterprises in the PAVA Group is their geographical location. Flour mills of the grain processor are situated close to export borders. PAVA is the only company over the Urals that is able to manufacture large volumes of high-quality products required for export.