Victor Yushchenko Took Part at Business Forum
OREANDA-NEWS. On July 03, 2008 President Victor Yushchenko took part in a business forum, titled “Government and Business are Partners", reported the Official website
The forum was aimed at searching for new ways of Ukrainian economy development and provided a ground for discussing obstacles to effective cooperation between the state authorities and business.
In his address at the event President Yushchenko criticized implementation of decisions adopted at the previous forum meeting. According to him engaging of businessmen unions in forming state regulatory policy remains limited. Unrealized also remain the provisions of the Concept of improvement of state regulation of economic activity, that had been adopted back in September 2007. The legislative acts provided by the document have not been worked out or adopted either. “These facts show that the promises, we had made were not kept”, - said Victor Yushchenko.
As an example of negative results of excessive regulation of business activity in Ukraine President named decreasing number of workplaces in small business sector, diminution of a number of prolific small enterprises and their part in overall volume of production. “The state regulatory system continues to harm competitiveness of the country”, - he said.
Also to President Yushchenko's mind much obstacles for effective functioning of business in Ukraien present numerous institutions on control after quality and safety of products. “Large amount of money is spent on total control, which creates problems for development of business. Yet level of quality and safeness of the products remains unsatisfactory”, - he said.
President stressed that state authorities must re-arrange the rules of business activity so that they would comply with the needs of the entrepreneurs themselves.