OREANDA-NEWS. On July 02, 2008 Russian Railways conducted an auction to sell some of the movable and immovable property of its 22 coach repair depots, reported the press-centre of Russian Railways.

The auctions were organised by the Specialised State Unitary Enterprise for the Sale of Property in Moscow.

Four lots were auctioned: property owned by the rolling stock repair plant of Kuybyshev Railways (Samara Region), the Ardecha coach repair depot in Volgograd, property of the stand-alone coach section at the Bureya coach repair depot in Belogorsk (Amur Region) and the stand-alone coach section Khilok at the coach repair depot in Chita (Chita Region).

The property of the rolling stock repair plant of Kuybyshev Railways was sold for 646,402,000 roubles. Two bidders took part in the auction, which was won by NefteTransServis.

The assets of the Ardecha depot were sold for 112, 937,850 roubles. Four bidders took part in the auction, which was won by the New Coach Repair Company.

The property at the Bureya coach repair depot was sold for 93,351,012 roubles. Two bidders took part in the auction, which was won by the Far Eastern Coach Repair Company.

The auction to sell the property of the the stand-alone coach section Khilok did not take place because of insufficient bidders. Russian Railways will announce the date of the next auction later.

Russian Railways raised 852,690,862 roubles excluding VAT from the auctions on 2 July.

The total proceeds from the sale of 13 companies so far will be 3.205 billion roubles excluding VAT.