AS Eesti Telekom Announces Extraordinary General Meeting
OREANDA-NEWS. June 25, 2008. We hereby inform you that the management board of AS Eesti Telekom, registration No. 10234957, address Valge 16, Tallinn, calls at the request of Baltic Tele AB, a shareholder of AS Eesti Telekom, an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of AS Eesti Telekom. The extraordinary general meeting of shareholders will be held on 26 June 2008 at 1:00 p.m. in the building of AS Eesti Telekom (Valge 16, Tallinn).
The shareholders registered in the share register of AS Eesti Telekom on 16 June 2008 at 23:59 p.m. have the right to vote at the general meeting.
Registration for the general meeting starts on 26 June at at 12:30 p.m. at the place of the meeting. For registration for the meeting:
A shareholder, being a natural person, must present a passport or identity card as an identity document, a representative must also present a duly executed power of attorney;
A representative of a shareholder, being a legal person, must present an extract from the respective (commercial) register, where the legal person is registered (for an Estonian legal person, a copy of the Commercial Register's card B, which is not older than 15 days), proving the right of the person to represent the shareholder (legal authorisation), and the representative's identity document; if the person is not a legal representative, a duly executed power of attorney (authorisation by transaction) and the representative's identity document must be produced in addition to the extract from the register.
Documents (except for the power of attorney) of a legal person registered in a foreign country must be legalised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Estonia or by a foreign representation of the Republic of Estonia, or confirmed with apostille.
Information on the supervisory council member candidate is available on the Internet at Any questions regarding the extraordinary general meeting can be asked by phone (372) 6 311 212, on the Internet at http:/, or by e-mail
Baltic Tele AB has explained to the management board of AS Eesti Telekom that it has requested the calling of the general meeting under the Commercial Code Article 292(1), paragraph 2, in connection with the wish to resign from the supervisory council of AS Telekom by Anders Gylder due to change of his duties within TeliaSonera Group that may complicate the fulfilment of his duties as member of the supervisory council. For that reason Baltic Tele AB has requested the substitution of the said person within the supervisory council of AS Eesti Telekom.
Recall and election of the members of the Supervisory Council:
“To recall Anders Gylder from the Supervisory Council of AS Eesti Telekom and consider him recalled and the term of his authorities as member of the Supervisory Council terminated from the moment of the decision of the general meeting. To elect Bjorn Lindegren as member of the Supervisory Council of AS Eesti Telekom and to consider him elected for and his authority as member of the Supervisory Council started from the moment of the decision of the general meeting.”