OREANDA-NEWS. June 23, 2008. Grigory Guselnikov was born in 1976 in Novosibirsk. In 1998 he graduated from Tomsk Polytechnic University and Russian-American Center. Meanwhile, he went a training course in The University of Warwick as well as St.Louis Community College and The American Institute of Banking.

Since 1996 Grigory Guselnikov works in the banking sector. He started his career in B.I.N.BANK in 2001 as Director of Retail Business Department. In 2002 he was appointed the Senior Vice President and in 2003 – First Vice President, being actually the second person in the Bank after Mr. M.Shishkhanov.

Sergey Goraschenko, Senior Vice President of B.I.N.BANK since 2004, who has been the Acting President since May 6, 2008 (after cancellation of the deal with Vadim Moschkovich) is appointed on June 16th, 2008, the First Vice President of the Bank.