Results of 29th International Auction of Special Size Rough Diamonds
OREANDA-NEWS. On 19th June, 2008 the 29th International Diamond Auction of special size rough diamonds organized by ALROSA together with the Diamond Chamber of Russia (DCR) was closed in Moscow.
All the auctioned lots were sold for a total of over USD 17 million. The surplus over the estimated value of the goods amounted to over 82%. One of the lots was sold for a record price of over USD 48 thousand/ct.
During two weeks the lots had been available for preview on the premises of the DCR. All the goods on offer (104 lots) were produced by ALROSA. Altogether 334 diamonds with an aggregate weight of over 5.2 thousand carats were auctioned. The largest of the auctioned diamonds weighed 39.36 carats.
30 Russian and foreign companies from Israel, Belgium, India, UAE that specialize in large-size diamonds and have high business reputation participated in the auction as bidders.
The results will be posted at , ALROSA official web-site.