UkrSibbank Celebrates 18th Anniversary
OREANDA-NEWS. On June 18, 1990 “Kharkovinkombank” was registered with the State Bank of the USSR and was renamed “UkrSibbank” two years after. For this period the Bank evolved from a small regional bank to a leader in the financial sector. In 2005, BNP Paribas, fourth largest financial group in the world became the strategic partner of the Bank and now holds 51% of the Bank’s shares.
Currently “UkrSibbank” ranks third among the top banks in Ukraine with its network to amount to 1000 outlets nationwide. The Bank is second largest retail platform of BNP Paribas Group in terms of value and volume.
“According to the Ukrainian standards, 18 years is an important age for the Bank comparable to the age of the state itself. During these years we were growing up and developing overstepping the market growth. We are among the best banks according to all financial and economic indicators to date”, emphasized Oleksandr Adarich, Chairman of the Management Board of “UkrSibbank”.
Being traditionally a leader in big capital service and stock market in Ukraine, “UkrSibbank” is time and again recognized as the best investment bank. According to the Ukrainian National Mortgage Association, the Bank is second-to-none in the mortgage sector to hold a market share of 18.6%. “UkrSibbank” enjoys the highest public awareness in SME banking. The Bank was first in the Ukrainian financial market to establish a separate line called Private Banking.
Leading positions of “UkrSibbank” are also acknowledged by the international financial magazines. For instance, Global Finance and Euromoney rewarded “UkrSibbank” the best bank in Ukraine in 2007. The Banker in its “Top 1000 World Banks” rated “UkrSibbank” as No.1 bank in Ukraine in terms of capital stock.
In honor of its 18th anniversary “UkrSibbank” will favor Kyiv dwellers and its visitors with the First Kyiv International Fireworks Festival “Stars At Your Service!” to take place on June 20 at 22.00 at Dnipro quay near the River Boat Station with participation of the leading world pyrotechnic teams from France, Italy, Germany and Ukraine.