EuroChem Doubled Realization of Mineral Fertilizers in Belarus
OREANDA-NEWS. On 17 June 2008 was announced, that the regular Byelorussian Agricultural Industrial Week – BELAGRO-2008 – was held in Minsk, this is the largest annual exhibition forum of workers of the agro-industrial complex
Within the framework of participation of OJSC MCC EuroChem in the forum BELAGRO-2008 representatives of the company carried out working meetings with the Vice Premier of the Republic of Byelorussia Ivan Bambiza and the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic Semen Shapiro. The subject of the meeting was discussion of expansion of cooperation between the company and the Republic of Byelorussia which will permit to progressively increase supply of mineral fertilizers to the Republic.
In 2008 realization of mineral fertilizers in the Republic of Byelorussia increased twice (85,000 tons of ammophos and 40,000 tons of ammonium nitrate) against 65,000 tons over the similar period of 2007. In addition, in the first half-year the Company supplied the Gomel Chemical Plant with 200,000 tons of apatite concentrate which permitted to the Byelorussian enterprise to significantly increase own production of phosphorus mineral fertilizers.
Cooperation of the largest Russian producer of mineral fertilizers with the Republic of Byelorussia permits to increase turnover of agricultural products between the countries of the Сommonwealth.