OREANDA-NEWS. June 04, 2008. Following its victory in the open tender, ROSNO’s Smolensk branch will insure obligatory motor third party liability (OMTPL) of drivers of the vehicles operated by almost 300 government institutions comprising the executive branch of power in the Smolensk Region, reported the press-centre of ROSNO.

The OMTPL contracts will cover motor third party liability of drivers of 1819 vehicles, for 727,600,000 roubles in total.

The insurer selection procedure was organized in form of an open tender, pursuant to the Federal Law dated 21 July 2005 No.94-FZ "Placement of orders for supply of goods, works and services for public and municipal purposes". Along with ROSNO, 8 insurers had participated in the tender.

The Smolensk branch was established on 16 September 1996. It belongs to ROSNO’s Central Directorate. The branch comprises 3 agencies (Yartsevskoe, Safonovskoe, and Vyazemskoe), one additional office and the OMTPL sales office located on the border with Belarus. Regular branch staff is 30 employees. The branch has been repeatedly awarded with honorary certificates, such as "Attainment of Regional Leadership" (2003, 2006, and 2007), "Best Performance in Insurance Business" (2006), "Successful Implementation of Investment Projects" (2005), and won the nomination "Largest Market Share" in 2007.