SAHO Enlarged Its Sowing Areas in Siberian Region
OREANDA-NEWS. June 4, 2008. Siberian sowing areas being cultivated by SAHO in the framework of sowing campaign increased by 23 720 ha and all together exceeded 110 723 ha.
In the Cherepanovo farm “Bochkaryovskoye”, which was purchased on the eve of sowing campaign, SAHO cultivates 500 ha. Main sowing areas of the holding in Cherepanovo are included in the purchased farm “Bezmenovskoye”: grain growers of SAHO cultivate 6000 ha there. In Suzun district the holding is going to cultivate 4500 ha, in Chulym-4000 ha. Sowing areas of Karasuk agricultural enterprise of SAHO increased by 2000 ha. In Altai Territory the holding will start cultivating 8000 ha. The incorporated fields will be sown with spring wheat and barley. In the agricultural season 2008 a part of areas will be sown with winter crops.
In some newly incorporated agricultural enterprises sowing of brown bread grain will be carried out with the help of equipment available at these farms. New equipment for sowing campaign on Altai fields-2 heavy tractors and 2 sowing complexes was delivered from Novosibirsk region. A heavy tractor, trailing equipment and a sowing complex for working on the fields of the holding in Suzun district were purchased additionally.