RusSEZ Took Part in the Work of Investment Forum
OREANDA-NEWS. On 28 May 2008 was announced, that on May 22 - 23 2008 in Izhevsk was held the second annual investment forum "Udmurtia - the region priority development", organized by the Government of the Republic of Udmurtia.
In the work of the forum participared representatives of Ministry of Regional Development Russian Federation, Federal Agency for Management of Special Economic Zones, Russian Nanotechnology Corporation, financial and economic structure federal level, business community representatives, guest from Austria and deputy director of the economics department of the Embassy of the German Federal.
Conduction purpose of forum was presentation of investment potential of Republic of Udmurtia, as well as creation of conditions for efficient dialogue between foreign and Russian investors and developers of investment projects to attract financial resources in republic economy. At the exhibition, opened the forum, the investment projects of largest enterprises, scientific institutions and all municipal entities of Udmurtia, all - 350 projects and 125 address investment sites with amount of funding necessary about 150 billion roubles has been presented.
Most-pressing application problems mechanism state-private partnership, strategy regional and regional development, conduction cluster policy was discussed at the round table "investment - territory priority development", participation in which adopted representatives of directorate foreign relations Federal Agency for Management of Special Economic Zones (head of Federal Agency for Management of Special Economic Zones (RusSEZ).